Seawater for Process Cooling

The project investigates the environmental impact of adding anti-biofouling chemicals (a form of biocides) to seawater discharged into the Arabian Gulf. Seawater-induced biofouling – caused by the build-up of living organisms – of heat exchangers and related equipment is a standard problem that is controlled conventionally by adding a biocide to the flow stream, usually a compound of chlorine. Chlorine, however, reacts with bromide and other naturally occurring elements of seawater to form oxidants which can, in turn, react with other organic species in the seawater to form toxic halogenated compounds. In principle, such compounds pose an environmental and health threat, especially given the huge amount of treated seawater discharged into the Gulf by Qatar’s industrial plants. Studies include the chemical, physical, and biological process of the biocide reactions, development of tools to predict their transport and fate in the environment as well as inside the industrial system, and recommended regulatory standards for biocide concentrations in seawater cooling systems.
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