Dr. Patrick Linke
Dr. Linke has over 13 years of experience in chemical, process and environmental systems engineering teaching and research in the UK, Germany and Qatar. He is a co-founder and the managing director of the Qatar Sustainable Water and Energy Utilization Initiative (QWE). His research focus is on systematically innovating chemical process designs and integrated process systems to enhance their sustainability with novel solutions. He currently leads research into innovating desalination process design with a focus on membrane-based systems, the optimal use of renewable forms of energy in desalination, desalination infrastructure planning, the efficient use of energy in industrial cities, synthesis of novel materials for power generation from alternative energy sources, and the development of tools to minimize environmental impacts from industrial activities. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Dr. Linke has been involved in research projects worth in excess of US$30m sponsored by the European Commission, the EPSRC, the Qatar National Research Fund and other entities.
Dr. Linke is the Chief Engineer of the Qatar National Food Security Programme (QNFSP). He has been a member of the IChemE Computer-Aided Process Engineering subject group management committee, the EPSRC peer review college and engineering systems panel, the visiting faculty at the Technical University of Berlin and scientific committees of international conferences, He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Chemical Product and Process Modeling. Dr. Linke regularly acts as a reviewer for many international journals and funding agencies. He also reviews EIA studies submitted to the Ministry of Environment in Qatar.
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Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Wahab
Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Wahab has over 18 years experience in environmental engineering teaching and research. His research focus is on chemical processes and advanced treatment methods in the areas of water, wastewater, hazardous wastes, contaminated soils and sludges. Dr. Abdel-Wahab is the co-founder of the Qatar Sustainable Water and Energy Utilization Initiative (QWE), an excellence initiative at TAMUQ to provide scientific and technical support to industrial and governmental stakeholders in the areas of water/wastewater, hazardous wastes, energy efficiency, and the environment. Dr. Abdel-Wahab is currently directing research on environmental impact assessment of industrial cooling water discharge, fate and transport of halogenated organic compounds in seawater, inland desalination with zero liquid discharge, and utilization of modified byproduct sulfur for hazardous wastes treatment. His research interest also includes industrial wastewater recycling and reuse and brine treatment. He has been involved in funded research projects totaling more than $7M. Dr. Abdel-Wahab is a member of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Committee, the Qatar Ministry of Environment. He is a reviewer of several internationally-recognized journals. He taught a variety of short courses on Water and Environmental-related topics to industrial and governmental agencies in Qatar.
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